No matter how charismatic you may be, the reality is that future clients will see your headshot before meeting you. In fact, according to a Princeton University Study, it only takes 0.1 seconds for people to judge your traits just by looking at your face. Set yourself apart on your social media and website by using these tips on how to improve your professional headshot.
1. Classic Dress is Best
When looking for an outfit, aim for something that is professional and classic, while also making you feel comfortable and confident. Don't go crazy with colors and avoid white if you are fair skinned so you don't end up looking washed out.
Men: Both business casual and a formal suit and tie are acceptable. Choose whichever you feel great in!
Women: Solid colors are desirable over patterns. Patterns are not only distracting but can look dated quickly.
2. Practice Your Smile Your smile is the number one physical characteristic of your photo that will affect how people feel about you. Make sure to smile with your teeth to appear more genuine. Your smile should not end at your mouth! Think of something you that makes you smile so that your smile is reflected in your eyes as well.

3. Be Yourself If you wear glasses everyday, wear glasses in your photo. Wear your hair in the fashion you wear it on a daily basis. You want to be recognizable in your photo. Change your photo any time your appearance significantly changes

4. Choose a Good Photographer
Make sure you are comfortable with them. If you have a good connection, you will appear more relaxed and at ease in your headshot. They should be competent at lighting and putting out high quality photos. Our Headshots & Portraits services are second to none!
5. Test Out Your Photo on Friends Narrow your choices down to a couple of your favorites, and then ask friends for help! You can also utilize online tools such as Photofeeler, in which strangers can rank how well you exhibit traits in certain photos.